Filing An Auto Accident Injury Claim In Ohio

The following article will cover:

  • The impact of shared fault on car accident injury claims in Ohio.
  • The importance of hiring an experienced attorney for your case even if the other driver is clearly at fault.

I Was Partially At Fault For The Car That Caused My Injuries In Ohio. How Could That Impact My Car Accident Injury Claim?

In Ohio, a specific formula is used to determine the fault percentage for all involved parties. Even if you share some responsibility, as long as the other party is more at fault than you, you maintain the right to file a claim.

If It's Clear That The Other Driver Was At Fault For The Accident That Caused My Serious Injuries, Do I Still Need To Hire An Experienced Attorney For My Case?

Engaging with an experienced attorney is always recommended. They can adeptly manage communications with the insurance company and ensure that all necessary documentation is in place. Additionally, their extensive network can prove invaluable during the personal injury process.

What’s more, your attorney can help you evaluate the true value of a settlement offer. It's not uncommon for insurance companies to initially present lowball offers. An attorney will advocate on your behalf, pushing for the most favorable outcome. If a satisfactory settlement isn't reached, they possess the expertise to advance your case to court to pursue a better resolution.

Who Is Going To Pay For My Car Damages?

Damages to your vehicle that are caused as a result of an accident are typically the responsibility of the at-fault party. This may involve their insurance company covering the repairs or the individual directly compensating you. Also, it's essential to understand that if an insurance company pays for your damages, they will likely seek reimbursement from the at-fault party. For more information on Filing An Auto-Accident Injury Claim In Ohio, an initial consultation is your next best step.

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