• By: Michael Weber
  • Published: September 25, 2024
How To Find Coverage For Medical Bills Through Workers' Compensation Claims

In this article, you can discover…

  • Which medical expenses are covered by Ohio workers’ comp
  • How to keep track of medical expenses.
  • How an attorney can assist you in navigating billing disputes.

What Medical Expenses Are Covered Under Workers’ Compensation Claims In Ohio?

Once your claim is approved and the diagnosis for your injured body parts is approved, workers’ compensation covers 100% of all treatment for that injury. This is extremely helpful, as it means there’s no copay and no balance bill for you to pay; everything is completely covered, and you shouldn’t face any kind of out-of-pocket expenses. 

Do I Need To Keep Track Of My Medical Expenses? How Should I Do This?

While you don’t need to keep tabs on your medical expenses, it’s important to make sure that your doctor is getting paid along the way. Check-in with your doctor and make sure that your bills are being paid by workers’ comp. Otherwise, your doctor may simply take a path of least resistance and bill your health insurance, which is unnecessary. 

Attorney Michael Weber is a seasoned and diligent attorney serving Ohio. For over 30 years, he’s helped clients just like you get compensation for medical bills and successfully appeal denials of workers’ comp benefits.

Have questions about medical bills in a workers' comp claim?
Contact the Weber Worker's Comp Law Firm at (513) 450-4405 for an initial consultation today. 

What Is An Independent Medical Examination In Workers’ Compensation Cases?

Oftentimes, at different stages of your worker’s compensation claim, your employer will send you to see a doctor they’ve worked with before. However, these doctors are often inclined to be biased against injured workers, and this doesn’t really count as an independent medical examination.

As an injured worker, you have the right to be examined by another workers’ comp-recognized doctor on points such as your condition, maximum medical improvement, and the necessity of treatment. This secondary opinion would be an independent medical examination, and medical records from these visits can also be used as evidence during hearings. 

What Role Does The Ohio Bureau Of Workers’ Compensation Play In Medical Bill Disputes?

Workers’ comp reviews claims when there’s a dispute over the allowance of treatment or payment of bills. A claim may be set for a hearing so that officers can hear evidence and decide whether or not your treatment bills are appropriate and should be paid or are inappropriate and denied. 

As An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney, How Do You Step In To Assist Clients In Navigating Billing Disputes?

I can help clients appeal insurance companies’ and workers’ comp board decisions. Workers’ comp is authoritative, but they don’t have the last word. Through the appeal process, I’ve helped clients get a second opinion and present further evidence to a hearing board or to a judge. If approved, those bills and treatment are now paid for.

If your workers’ comp claim is denied, be sure to get in touch with a workers comp attorney. You have the right to be heard. 

For more information on Covering Medical Bills During A Workers’ Compensation Claim, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (513) 450-4405 today.

Attorney Michael Weber is a seasoned and diligent attorney serving Ohio. For over 30 years, he’s helped clients just like you get compensation for medical bills and successfully appeal denials of workers’ comp benefits.

Have questions about medical bills in a workers' comp claim?
Contact the Weber Worker's Comp Law Firm at (513) 450-4405 for an initial consultation today. 

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